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Trekking equipments

We use the best products and brands, the cooking utensils, cutlery and crockery are made of strong materials to resist the tough requirements. The sleeping mats and the camping gears are made of sturdy but light materials to reduce weight for the porters.

Mountain Huts

When climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro on the Marangu route and during the Mt. Meru trekking, you will stay in the mountain huts which are similar in style, to Scandinavian wooden huts. Mattresses and electric lights are available.

Our Tents

All other routes are camping routes and overnight accommodation, will be in 2 man tents equipped with sleeping mats .

All meals will be serves in a larger mess tent and camping tables and chairs are supplied by us.


Our Private Chemical Toilet

Our private trekking tour along the camping routes, we carry a chemical toilet with a toilet tent. The toilet situation in Kilimanjaro has been the biggest concern for mountaineers and this under taking will definitely be a big relief for all private trekking guests.

Our equipment have no with stand the onslaught of exposure to the client’s extreme temperatures, Snow and ice, storms and powerful sun light. Good quality materials and regular maintenance are vital for the continued safety and durability and all equipment are replaced and up dated periodically.


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