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7 Days / 6 Nights- The Beauty Of Tanzania

7 Days / 6 Nights- The Beauty Of Tanzania

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Duration of Safari:

7 Days / 6 Nights

Parks Included:
Kilimanjaro/Arusha – Tarangire – Lake Manyara – Ngorongoro Crater – Serengeti


Including Services
• Pick up and drop off in Arusha City
• 07 days private safari package
• Transport and wildlife drives in modified 4WD Land Cruiser or Land Rover with a photographic roof hatch
• Services of a professional English-speaking safari guide
• Masaai Village trip
• Internal flight from Serengeti to Zanzibar
• All wildlife reserve entry fees
• All game drives as mentioned
• All accommodation as mentioned in the itinerary
• 2ltr bottle of mineral water per person, per day during game drive


Excluding Services

• International flights
• All items of personal nature
• Gratuities for safari guides
• Personal/holiday travel insurance – we strongly recommended to take out holiday insurance before you leave your country of residence.
• Visa fee (50 US$ / 100 US$ for Americans & Irish passport holders – to be paid upon arrival)
• Drinks and beverages in lodges
• Laundry

*Check under each hotel information above for meal plan


Tour Plan


Day 1: Arusha/ Kia Airport kilimanjaro

You will be met at Kilimanjaro or Arusha Airport by your personal safari specialist and driver who will brief you on the journey ahead. Equipped with a wealth of knowledge, our experts will be able to answer any questions you have and provide you with all the information necessary for an unforgettable safari experience. After checking into your chosen Arusha hotel, relax and unwind before enjoying dinner at the hotel or in one of our recommended local restaurants in Arusha town. Overnight at your chosen Hotel/Lodge in Arusha

Day 2: Tarangire National Park

You will wake early and start your journey to the unique Tarangire National Park. One of the last untouched places on earth, the park is famous for its huge herds of elephants against a stunning backdrop of majestic, ancient Baobab trees. Between November and June, many of Tarangire’s larger residents follow the rains to greener pastures. Wildebeest and zebras join elephants, buffalo and giraffes to form a wildlife migration second only to the Serengeti/Maasai Mara phenomenon There are large populations of impala, giraffe, eland and buffalo. Thompson’s gazelle, hartebeest, bohor reedbuck and both the greater and lesser kudu are also in abundance here. In terms of predators, lion prides are common throughout Tarangire, as are leopards and spotted hyena. Packs of wild dogs sometimes pass through as well. After a day spent exploring Tarangire, you will head to your camp for dinner and overnight rest. Overnight at your chosen lodge/camp in Tarangire or Karatu.

Day 3: Lake Manyara National Park

Early Morning after breakfast you will depart your lodge and head for Lake Manyara National Park to continue your safari. Lake Manyara lies in the Great Rift Valley and is, one of the most beautiful places in Africa. Dramatically bordered by lush green vegetation, upon entering the park you will become captivated by large troops of baboons and blue monkeys swinging from the trees. Further down, the forest opens up into woodlands, grassland, and swamps, beyond which sits the soda lake itself. Home to 350 species of birds including the flamingos, pelicans, sacred ibisses, grebes and storks – it’s easy to see Lake Manyara is commonly referred to as “the bird watcher’s paradise”. The most famous spectacle in the park is the tree climbing lions who spend most of their days lazily relaxing along the branches of acacia trees 6 – 8 metres above the ground. The park is also noted for its numerous buffalos, elephants, giraffes, impalas, hippos and a number of smaller animals, which can all be seen in a single day. After a picnic lunch, you will continue your afternoon game- drive to see as much wildlife as possible. You will depart the park around 6pm and head to your lodge perched on the rim of the crater to witness a magnificent sunset and enjoy a relaxing evening. Overnight at your chosen lodge in the Ngorongoro Crater or on the rim

Day 4: Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Crater

A 6am wake-up call is recommended to catch sunrise over the crater. After breakfast you will start your descent into the Ngorongoro Crater, one of the highest concentrations of wild animals in any African national park, you will see everything you would hope to see on safari during your morning game drive. Residents of the Ngorongoro include lions, elephants, giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, hippos, flamingos, jackals, rhinos, antelopes and many rare birds you could even get to see the” Big Five” in one day! After a picnic lunch, we will depart for the South Serengeti ecosystem which belongs jointly to the Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. One of the most scenic drives in Tanzania, you will see Maasai warriors grazing cattle and, depending on the time of the year, you could catch the mass migration of some two million wildebeest and Zebra. Before entering the Serengeti National Park, you will visit a traditional Maasai village to see how this ancient tribe has lived for hundreds of years, receiving a personal tour of the manyattas (houses). You will arrive in the Serengeti late afternoon/early evening and be taken directly to your chosen camp or lodge. Overnight at your chosen camp in the Serengeti

Day 5: Serengeti National Park

The endless plains of the Serengeti… Your drive will begin around 6am when you will be on the lookout for nocturnal predators returning from their night’s hunting and animals waking up in the early dawn. As the sun rises you will stop for a bush breakfast then it’s off to search for prides of lions, cheetahs and leopards among the numerous species of animals which call the Serengeti ‘home’. On the way back to the lodge for lunch you will visit the Serengeti information centre in the Seronera area where your guide can explain the history of the Serengeti. Later in the afternoon, when the sun is less intense, you can go for an early evening game drive or undertake a nature walk around the camp with the resident tribesmen. They are happy to share their vast knowledge of plants and animals surrounding which you will pass on your walk. Alternatively, if you would prefer to maximize your time in the park, a picnic lunch is also available – a long day but worth the extra effort. Overnight at your chosen camp in the Serengeti

Day 6: Serengeti National Park

After a leisurely breakfast, you will head out for a full day of game driving into a different region of the great Serengeti. You will go in search of the two million-strong wildebeest and zebra migration, and the predators that pursue them. You will stop at one of the parks’ beautiful picnic areas for a relaxed lunch and refreshments before continuing on your afternoon game drive, returning to your lodge by mid-afternoon to avoid the intense heat of the sun. Watching the thousands of wildebeest and zebra majestically floating along the seemingly endless plains of the Serengeti is sure to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience you will never forget Overnight at your chosen camp in the Serengeti

Day 7: Serengeti National Park

Enjoy breakfast with views over the stunning Serengeti plains before, departing for the Seronara airstrip, located in the central area of the Serengeti. You will take a flight back to Arusha airport where you will connect onto flights to your next destination, or transfer to Kilimanjaro airport if required.
Rating 0
Comfort 0
Food 0
Hospitality 0
Hygiene 0
Reception 0

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