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5 Days/4 Nights – Tanzanian Flavor

5 Days/4 Nights – Tanzanian Flavor

/ per person
(0 Reviews)

Duration of Safari:
5 Days/4 Nights

Parks Included:
The Serengeti National Park – Ngorongoro Crater

Available from January to March

Including Services:

    • Airport and Hotel transfers in private car
    • 5 days private safari package
    • Transport and wildlife drives in modified 4WD Land Cruiser or Land Rover with a photographic roof hatch
    • Services of a professional English-speaking safari guide
    • All wildlife reserve entry fees
    • All game drives as mentioned
    • All accommodation as mentioned in the itinerary
  • 2ltr bottle of mineral water per person, per day during game drive


Excluding Services:

  • International flights
  • All items of personal nature
  • Gratuities for safari guides
  • Personal/holiday travel insurance – we strongly recommended to take out holiday insurance before you leave your country of residence
  • Visa fee (50 US$ / 100 US$ for Americans & Irish passport holders – to be paid upon arrival)
  • Drinks and beverages in lodges
  • Laundry

Tour Plan


Day 1: Kilimanjaro Int. Airport – Arusha City

You will be met at Kilimanjaro Int. Airport by your personal safari specialist and driver who will brief you on the journey ahead. Equipped with a wealth of knowledge, our experts will be able to answer any questions you have and provide you with all the information necessary for an unforgettable safari experience. After checking into your chosen Arusha hotel, relax and unwind before enjoying dinner at the hotel or in one of our recommended local restaurants in Arusha town. Overnight at your chosen in Arusha (Bed & Breakfast)

Day 2: Southern Serengeti National Park (Ndutu)

After breakfast you will depart for the South Serengeti ecosystem belonging jointly to the Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. One of the most scenic drives in Tanzania, you can see Maasai warriors grazing cattle and, depending on the time of year you may witness what makes up the largest mass migration of animals on earth. Huge herds of wildebeest, gazelle and zebra moving clockwise to find better grazing areas. Although nature and its rainfall determine exactly where the migrating animal will be in winter, Ndutu is a reliable base at this time of the year, allowing us to maximize our opportunities for tracking the animals. During our journey to Ndutu, you can enjoy the sheer scale of Tanzania’s territory. From December to March, the herds are grazing in the southern, east-central plains of the park and also the Ndutu area of Ngorongoro. End of January and February is the season that they are giving birth to their calves. After lunch, you will begin your afternoon game drive where you can expect to see large numbers of elephants, giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, monkeys, baboons, hippos, rhinos, antelopes and many exotic bird species. Your drive will end at your chosen camp or lodge where you will relax and rest overnight. Overnight at your chosen camp/lodge in the Southern Serengeti (Full Board)

Day 3: Southern Serengeti (Ndutu Area)

The endless plains of the Serengeti… Today’s tour departs around 6am in search of nocturnal predators returning from their night’s hunting or animals waking up in the early dawn. Breakfast boxes will be prepared and you will take a brief stop for a bush breakfast to enjoy the sun rise. Next, your drive will continue to look for prides of lions, cheetahs and leopards, all in abundance in the Serengeti. Later in the afternoon, when the sun is less intense, you have the option to go on an early evening game drive or a nature walk around the camp with the resident tribesmen, who will be happy to share their knowledge of the regions’ plants and animals with you. If you wish to maximize your time in the park, lunch can also be taken as a picnic – a long day but an experience you won’t forget. You will stop at one of the parks’ beautiful picnic areas for a relaxed lunch and refreshments before continuing on your afternoon game drive, returning to your camp/lodge by mid-afternoon to avoid the intense heat of the sun. Watching the thousands of wildebeest and zebra majestically floating along the seemingly endless plains of the Serengeti is sure to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience you will never forget. Overnight at your chosen camp/lodge in Ndutu (Full Board)

Day 4: Ndutu Area - Ngorongoro Crater

After an early breakfast you will begin your journey to the stunning Ngorongoro Conservation Area. By lunchtime, you will be descending into the Ngorongoro Crater, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, formed when a volcano exploded and collapsed in on itself 2-3 million years ago.  You will enjoy your first game drive around the crater floor, stopping for a picnic lunch at one of the many scenic lunch spots. With its 2,000-foot-high walls, very few animals migrate in and out of the crater making it an area with its one of the highest concentrations of wild animals in the world. You’ll be searching for lions, elephants, giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, hippos, flamingos, jackals, rhinos, antelopes and many rare birds you might even get to see the “Big Five” all in one day! At around 6pm you will depart for your lodge perched on the edge of the crater rim. The rest of the evening can be spent relaxing and enjoying the spectacular views over this prehistoric landscape. Overnight at your chosen lodge in the Ngorongoro Crater or on the rim or in Karatu (Full Board)

Day 5: Ngorongoro Conservation Area/Karatu – Kilimanjaro Int. Airport/Arusha Airport

A 6am wake-up call is recommended to catch the amazing sunrise over the crater. Enjoy breakfast with views over the stunning crater before, departing for Arusha airport, where you will take a flight to your next destination, or transfer to Kilimanjaro airport if required.
Rating 0
Comfort 0
Food 0
Hospitality 0
Hygiene 0
Reception 0

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