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2 Days/1 Night

2 Days/1 Night

/ per person
(0 Reviews)

Duration of Safari:
2 Days/1 Night

Parks Included:
Tarangire National Park & Ngorongoro Crater

Including Services:

  • Airport and Hotel transfers in private car
  • 2 days private safari package
  • Transport and wildlife drives in modified 4WD Land Cruiser or Land Rover with a photographic roof hatch
  • Services of a professional English-speaking safari guide
  • All wildlife reserve entry fees
  • All game drives as mentioned
  • All accommodation as mentioned in the itinerary
  • 2ltr bottle of mineral water per person, per day during game drive


Excluding Services:

  • International flights
  • All items of personal nature
  • Gratuities for safari guides
  • Personal/holiday travel insurance – we strongly recommended to take out holiday insurance before you leave your country of residence.
  • Visa fee (50 US$ / 100 US$ for Americans & Irish passport holders – to be paid upon arrival)
  • Drinks and beverages in lodges
  • Laundry

*Check under each hotel information above for meal plan


Tour Plan


Day 1: Tarangire National Park

Your personal safari specialist/driver who will brief you on the journey ahead will meet you at Arusha. Equipped with a wealth of knowledge, our experts will be able to answer any questions you have and provide you with all the information necessary for an unforgettable safari experience. You will start your journey to the unique Tarangire National Park. One of the last untouched places on earth, the park is famous for its huge herds of elephants against a stunning backdrop of majestic, ancient Baobab trees. Many of Tarangire’s larger residents follow the rains to greener pastures between November and June. Wildebeest and zebras join elephants, buffalo, and giraffes to form a wildlife migration second only to the Serengeti/Maasai Mara phenomenon There are large populations of impala, giraffe, eland, and buffalo. Thompson’s gazelle, hartebeest, boho reedbuck, and both the greater and lesser kudu are also in abundance here. Lion pride is common throughout Tarangire in terms of predators, as are leopards and spotted hyenas. Packs of wild dogs sometimes pass through as well. After a full day spent exploring Tarangire, at 5pm you will head to your lodge for dinner and overnight rest. Overnight at your chosen accommodation in Karatu (Full Board)

Day 2: Ngorongoro Crater

After breakfast, you will depart for the amazing Ngorongoro Conservation Area. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Ngorongoro Crater has formed 2-3 million years ago when a volcano exploded and collapsed in on itself. With its 2,000-foot-high walls, very few animals migrate in and out of the crater – providing it with one of the highest concentrations of wild animals of any African national park. Today you will enjoy your first game drive before stopping for a picnic lunch. Expect to see lions, elephants, giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, hippos, flamingos, jackals, rhinos, antelopes, and many rare birds you might even see the ‘Big Five’ in one day! After lunch, you will continue with an afternoon game drive exploring more of this small but beautiful National Park before departing for Arusha where we will drop you off at your reserved accommodation.
Rating 0
Comfort 0
Food 0
Hospitality 0
Hygiene 0
Reception 0

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