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Amazing tour



     With such a perfect location, perched on the edge of the Africa continent, and facing the Indian Ocean, Tanzania weather and climate leaves nothing to be desired when staying in Tanzania’s hotels, lodges or guesthouses.

     Warm and sunny days are followed by cool and balmy night, and whether you’re on safari on Serengeti plains or any kind of our national parks or enjoying the tropical beaches of Zanzibar, the temperatures are always welcoming and gentle to make a visitor stay comfortable in the country’s accommodation establishments.

   But sun-filled and beautiful days are not all that Tanzania has to offer. On the contrary, the country’s borders hold a vast number of people and tribes whose varied cultures and tradition make up the rich tapestry that is Tanzania culture.

   Although Tanzania is a country rich in culture and tradition, its history is also one of treasured heritage and pride. From the early days of mankind’s history, man has called the land of Tanzania home-its verdant mountains, its scrubland plains. Find out more about our country’s rich history from the arrival of merchants and traders on Swahili Coast to the peaceful political climate that exists today.

   Tanzania’s enjoy a climate of freedom and peace in our daily lives, and value community and togetherness (umoja).

Visitors to Tanzania will find the section on accommodation, immensely useful in helping them decide where to stay, what to eat and the type of a drink that suit his or her choice.

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