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Northern Circuit

Tarangire National Park

Located slightly off the main safari route, Tarangire National Park is a lovely, quiet park in Northern Tanzania. It is most famous for its elephant migration and bird watching.

Many tourist travelers to the region visit only for a matter of hours, or either miss it out Tarangire completely all together or venture into the park for matter of the hour – leaving swathes of Tarangire the park virtually untouched.

The Best Time To Visit:
  • Dense, full vegetation
  • Excellent bird-watching opportunities during this time
  • Animals tend to migrate out of the park during this season, hence viewing opportunities not being as strong
  • Peak wet season is March to May with heavy downpours frequent
November to May: (Wet Season)
    June to October (dry season)

  • wildlife sightings in abundance at this time as animals migrate from surrounding areas
  • Greater chance of spotting wildlife in the shorter grass and around waterholes and rivers
  • warm and sunny weather
  • Fewer mosquitoes result in lower risk of malaria during this time
  • Depending on the rains, animals can be in abundance at beginning or end of the dry season
  • During the dry season (August to October), the park attract one of the highest concentration of wildlife animals in Tanzania. Sightings include large number of wildebeest and zebra as well as giraffe and buffalo, Thompson’s gazelle, greater and lesser kudu, eland, leopard and cheetah.
  • The real prize is seeing the dwarf mongoose, Oryx or generuk – although sightings are rare.
  • Safari activities center on game drives featuring excellent landscapes views of beautiful riverines, forest, acacia woodlands, ancient African baobab trees and, endless rolling hills.
  • Herd of up to 3,000 elephant can be seen during the peak season –one of the largest concentrations of elephants in Africa.
  • Tarangire is also one of Tanzania’s finest birding destinations, with over 500 species found here, including large flocks of beautiful yellow-collared lovebirds.

Tarangire Accommodation

Maweninga Tented Camp

Tarangire River Camp

Tarangire Treetops

Santuary Swala

Tarangire Sopa Lodge

Lake Burunge Tented Camp

Tarangire Safari Lodge

Oliver’s Camp

Maromboi Tented Camp

Roika Tarangire Tented Lodge

Sangaiwe Tented Lodge

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