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Northern Circuit

Lake Manyara National Park

Nestling at the base of the Great Rift Valley Lake Manyara National Park is an area of outstanding natural beauty located 125km west of Arusha town. Lake Manyara’s famous tree climbing lions

Lake Manyara lies in the Great Rift Valley and is one of the most beautiful places in Africa.

Dramatically bordered by lush green vegetation, upon entering the park you will become immediately captivated by large troops of baboons and blue monkeys swinging from the trees.


June to October (dry season)

+Greater chance of spotting wildlife in the shorter grass and around waterholes and rivers
+Sun in abundance with very little rain
+Fewer mosquitoes result in lower risk of malaria during this time
+Warm clothing required for game drives in June and August as mornings are chilly

+Luscious green scenery and full vegetation
+April and May is low season, the region is much quieter during this period
+Whilst wildlife is easier to spot in the dry season, Lake Manyara National Park offers good wildlife viewing all year round
+Excellent for bird-watchers with the presence of migratory birds in the region
+Roads more difficult to navigate during the wet season.

-A rich diverse area of natural beauty with forests, woodlands, grassland and swamps.
-The soda lake itself is home to 350 species of birds including flamingos, pelicans, sacred ibisses, grebes and storks-it’s easy to see why Lake Manyara is commonly referred to as ‘’the bird watcher’s paradise’’.
-Tree climbing lions spend their days lazily relaxing along the branches of acacia trees 6-8 meters above the ground.
-The park is also home to numerous buffalos, elephants, giraffes, impalas, hippos and a number of smaller animals, which can all be seen in a single day.

Lake Manyara National Park Accommodation

Acacia Farm House

Lake Manyara Serena Safari Lodge

Lake Manyara Tree Lodge

Bougainvillea Safari Lodge

Hhando Coffee Lodge

Kudu Lodge & Campsite


Olea Africana Lodge


Escarpment Luxury Lodge

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