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Customs, Food & Health


Personal effect, including binoculars, cameras, and film, may be brought in Tanzania free of duty. A custom’s bond may be demanded from those bringing in video/filming equipment to ensure that the good are re-exported. Firearms require a special permit.


There is a variety of food. You will find international cuisine in hotels, restaurants and lodges. On the coast, fish and lobster with local dishes such as biryani and meat or fish curries.


Also we have a number of Chinese, Italian, Indian, Japanese and other traditional restaurants, if possible sample such traditional Tanzanian food such as nyama choma barbecue, mchemsho (boiled fish, beef, chicken and goat’s meat), pilau(spiced rice), rice or ugali served with coconut sauced beans and fresh various local greens.


Yellow fever vaccination is no longer compulsory. Malaria is endemic but preventable: use insect repellent, cover up at sundown, sleep under a mosquito net and take anti-malaria prophylactics as advised by your doctor.


Bring prescription medicines, spare glasses, contact lenses and solution as well as sunscreen, a first aid kit, cream for bites/stings and diarrhea remedy. Drink only boiled or bottled water, bottled or canned drink, ovoid ice cubes and salads. HIV/Aids is widespread, especially in the main tourist areas.


Modern medical services are available in our cities at the major centers. Visitors are advised to bring their own medicine with them, but there are major pharmacies in the big cities.


Basic medical care is provided by the state and by religious organization. Rural areas are served by local clinics.

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